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First Latvian Bodybuilders


You can argue a lot about who was the founder of bodybuilding in the World. The fact that it is not America and not Wader (as long time was told by his propaganda) – is an undeniable fact. Then there is a natural question: so who??

Personally, we are closest to the theory confirmed by irrefutable historical facts that this is Latvia and the world’s first athletic society of RIGAER, founded in 1890. At least, nothing earlier, we could not find in any Country (the following dates: Greece and Austria – 1893 and 1895).

Do you have something to refute these facts? Well, if these are really historical facts, and not fairy tales about stones raised by someone.

But so far there are no such facts (and most likely they will not be at all – they simply have nowhere to take: almost everything has been known for a long time), then we recognize the obvious and pay tribute to our very first bodybuilders from a small place on the World map – Latvia:

Badge of the Latvian Athletic Society RIGAER, 1890:

History of bodybuiding: Badge of the Latvian Athletic Society RIGAER, 1890


The first mention (which we managed to find) about the competition of bodybuilders held in Latvia:

Клеменс Буль - борец и культурист


The first bodybuilders of Latvia:

1897 Olgerd Edelman

культурист Ольгерд Эдельман


1898 Eduards Ulpe

старинный атлет Ульпе


1908 Willy Schreiners. Many modern athletes will envy such a chic triceps:

Вилли Шрейнерс - атлет и культурист


American magazines inspired us that the “HP” pose was first thought up by the American Harold Poole in the early 70s of the last century.

But look at the photo of Arthur Zadats. Latvians, demonstrated this pose, at the beginning of the last century.

1910 Arthur Zadat

Первые культуристы Латвии


1906 Karlis Mikuls. Can anyone show at least one photo of the beginning of the last century, so brilliantly performed with the pose “double biceps in front”?

культурист Карлис Микулс


1909 Karlis Matisons

Первые борцы Латвии


1910 Karlis Freibergs. Dubbed by the American propaganda “the first bodybuilder of the World” Eugen Sandow, looks skinny young man, next to his contemporaries-bodybuilders from Latvia. For example, such as Karlis Freibergs.

In addition, there is not a single bodybuilding pose, supposedly shown by the “first bodybuilder”.

Карлис Фрейбергс - штангист и культурист


1908 Klemeus Amevira

история культуризма и атлетики


1911 Klemens Buls.

Our famous athlete from Ludza, Klemens Buls, not only winning numerous competitions of bodybuilders, but also was the greatest wrestler. For example, he won all fights at “champion of Champions” Ivan Poddubny.

Despite the fact that he weighed 20 kg less.

Клеменс Буль - борец и культурист


1913 Georg Baumans


1914 Plume Janis


1914 Ludwig Alens


1921 Janis Krauze, possessed great physical strength and is the author of many world records in weight lifting:

старинный атлет Янис Краузе


1924 athlete from Rezekne – Moishe Posman


1932 – Arvids Jurmaletis

история бодибилдинга - атлеты Латвии


More information about the first bodybuilders and power athletes of Latvia here